
Joel McRandal Personal Training

Joel McRandal Personal Training

Website : @joelmcrandalpersonaltraining
Email :
Phone : 07595435763
Main Address : CrossFit Raeda,3 the barns Thornwood ,Epping Essex,cm166ly,United Kingdom

How Is Group Personal Training Different From Exercise Class?

An exercise class is a formatted class that the entire group follows. Zumba, step aerobics, and BodyPump are examples of a group exercise classes. You show up and perform the motions that are being demonstrated blah blah blah .All sorts of rascal form is going out the window but hey who cares your seating right?

Conversely, group personal training is different because of that operative word, personal. Group personal trainers do one thing differently than an exercise instructor - they coach. In a group personal training setting, you are often doing different things at their own customized level of fitness or ability.

While a group exercise class looks much like a choreographed dance, a group personal training class looks like a group of people doing different exercises together at their own rate of speed, intensity, and ability. Group exercise classes are typically larger and limited only by space available, while group personal training classes tend to be smaller in scale.

The Advantages to Group Personal training

In addition to cost savings, with group personal training you get the added benefit of motivation from both your peers and the coach aka me. There is more energy in a group setting and even a little bit of good, old-fashioned competition. It’s just human nature that if the person next to you is giving an all out effort, you are more likely to do the same.

In a one-on-one session, if you don’t feel like working hard, you don’t. I consider myself a pretty decent motivator just ask people that have worked with me ,but I have had plenty of one-on-one clients who didn’t feel like putting forth effort, so they didn’t. Pulling out every trick in the book, even the best trainer can’t motivate an unmotivated person (you can’t polish a turd) In a group though, people tend to give their best.

The Bottom Line on Group Personal Training

Having taught in a group personal training setting for years, there is a point of diminished contact with the instructor when the group gets too large. That is, at a certain point, no matter what the format of a class, a large group becomes in essence simply a group exercise class.

you are signing up for group personal training and it is your intention to receive that one-on-one contact, corrected form, and individual focus nutrition advice goal setting what needs improvement personal programme etc then you need to scrutinize when and where you go. Beyond the range of fifteen to twenty people, it’s difficult for the instructor to give much personal attention. When a class gets to that size, it’s simply another exercise class.

no more than 5 in a group

4 sessions £400
8 sessions £750
10 sessions £900

What does your group personal training include!

Fitness assessment
Postural assessment
Movement analysis
Flexibility test
Body composition: A test to assess your current ratio of fat-to-lean muscle mass used as a baseline to track progress.
Body Measurements
Nutrition plans macros/cals are suggested for training and non-training days. If that doesn’t suit you than no problem a healthy non tracking lifestyle plan will be put in place.
Exclusive access to the training room where all my clients can help motivate each other share recipes, daily tips challenges that will give you a real sense of belonging to a community of like minded individuals.

Finally — The Workouts
It's not all forms and tests! You came to train 💪💦


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