Vegan AfternoonTea

The Tea Leaf CIC

Vegan AfternoonTea


Valid Until 19, Apr 2025
Available In All Stores


Gift Voucher : 303

For full voucher details, terms and conditions of the business enter voucher number on

Vegan AfternoonTea £9.95

Store : The Tea Leaf CIC

The Tea Leaf

Voucher validation: Valid Until 19, Apr 2025

Search for nearest store:

Redeemable Locations:

  • 45, Stortford Road, Great Dunmow, CM61DA, United Kingdom

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* For portrait voucher image should be greater than width=495px and height=375px
* For landscape voucher image should be greater than width=375px and height=495px
* Recommended image size should be less than 2 MB

Max characters to be used 350.


This voucher entitles you to The Signature Afternoon Tea at The Tea Leaf.

Sit back and indulge your senses with an absolute classic, the British High Tea.

We serve this on a three-tier cake stand.

Please ring to discuss Vegan options

£9.95 per person.