Precision Brows


Precision Brows


Valid Until 25, Apr 2025
Available In All Stores


Gift Voucher : 319

For full voucher details, terms and conditions of the business enter voucher number on

Precision Brows £25.00

Store : Wax ETC


Voucher validation: Valid Until 25, Apr 2025

Search for nearest store:

Redeemable Locations:

  • 7, Harrisons Road, Dunmow, CM6 3UL, United Kingdom

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Select an image

* For portrait voucher image should be greater than width=495px and height=375px
* For landscape voucher image should be greater than width=375px and height=495px
* Recommended image size should be less than 2 MB

Max characters to be used 350.


This voucher entitles you to The Precision Brow.

It is a complete eyebrow service which incorporates waxing, tweezing, trimming and tinting to create highly defined eyebrows.
The shape and colour are personalised according to each individual client.

This service will require a patch test and will take approximately 60 Minutes.