Colour Confidence!

Mirror Image

Colour Confidence!


Valid Until 23, Apr 2025
Available In All Stores


Gift Voucher : 198

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Colour Confidence! £75.00

Store : Mirror Image

1.5hrs Virtual Colour Analysis Consultation

Voucher validation: Valid Until 23, Apr 2025

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Redeemable Locations:

  • 39, Kings Court, Bishops Stortford, Cm23 2ab, United Kingdom

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* For portrait voucher image should be greater than width=495px and height=375px
* For landscape voucher image should be greater than width=375px and height=495px
* Recommended image size should be less than 2 MB

Max characters to be used 350.


Colour Analysis is the one of the cornerstones of effortless style and can be the key to unlocking style confidence almost immediately.

This consultation includes a digital colour swatch specifically designed to keep on your phone, so it’s always easily accessible.

After your colour consultation you will know how to apply the first and easiest cornerstone to effortless style, you will start to grow in confidence with your colour choices and most importantly in the outfits you put together. You’ll understand how to create the most harmonious and complementary make up looks for you as well as know the correct hair colour tones and terms to use at the salon to get the perfect hair colour for you.

This consultation is carried out via Zoom with minimal basic set up and all details to do this are provided.

Terms & Conditions:

Vouchers are valid for one year from the date of purchase and are non refundable. Vouchers may be transferred to any other Mirror Image service or package in whole or part of. Vouchers for subscription services must be activated within six months of purchase.