3 Day Juice Plan

Seedy Blenders

3 Day Juice Plan


Valid Until 19, Jul 2024
Available In All Stores


Gift Voucher : 251

For full voucher details, terms and conditions of the business enter voucher number on www.voucherbang.co.uk

3 Day Juice Plan £39.90

Store : Seedy Blenders

Seedy Blenders

Voucher validation: Valid Until 19, Jul 2024

Search for nearest store:

Redeemable Locations:

  • Shop 3, 48, High street, Dunmow, CM6 1AW, United Kingdom

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The 3 day juice plan will help you to lose up to 7lbs. Your body fat and visceral fat will reduce as will your bmi. The body will flush out toxins and you will feel less bloated and cleansed.
We hope this will then encourage you to be more mindful on what you are eating and portion control.